Monday 27 August 2012

Sorry that I haven't posted anything for a few weeks, but I've been so busy!

Weather is wet this morning, so I haven't been up the garden.  But yesterday was much better here, hot and sunny.  I found a butterfly on my windowsill.  I looked on the internet to find out what type of butterfly it is.  I think it is a tortoiseshell butterfly.  It was sat on the windowsill for a very long time.  I think it was drying out its wings.  I took lots of photos of it.  Have a look!


Number of bugs - 16
Type of bugs - butterflies, earwigs, slugs
Location - back garden
Weather - Wet (today) hot and sunny (yesterday) 

Tuesday 7 August 2012

Today is cloudy and wet.
I have been very busy lately watching the Olympics, so I haven't been updating my blog, sorry.
Daddy went to put the recycling out today and found some snails in the box.  He shouted for me so I took a photo of them.  I think they were hiding from the rain.  I picked them up and put them in a small box.  I also found a snail on the white plastic.

Snails in the box

Number of bugs - 9
Type of bugs - slugs and snails
Location - recycling box
Weather - cloudy and wet 
Snail on the plastic