Monday 25 June 2012

Sorry! Daddy and I have been very busy lately.  We haven't been able to post things.

I went to Air Day on Saturday and had a great time.  I didn't see any bugs, but saw lots of planes.  I really liked the Red Arrows and the Tornadoes were very fast and loud, but I wasn't scared.

Here are a few photos daddy and I took.

The Red Arrows

Loud Tornadoes
Number of Bugs - None
Type of Bugs - flying type
Location - Air Day
Weather - cloudy and cold
The Red Arrows

Saturday 16 June 2012

At 11am the weather was wet and windy.
Haven't been up the garden much because of the weather. Went and had a quick look this morning and found bugs that like the wet (slugs, snails and woodlice). I didn't need to pick things up because they were out in the wet.


Slugs and woodlice
Number of bugs - 31
Type of bugs - slugs, snails, woodlice
Location - back garden
Weather - wet and windy

Monday 11 June 2012

At 6pm the weather is wet.
I haven't seen any bugs today.  So here is a photo of me under Concorde.  I like Concorde.

Number of bugs - 0
Type of bugs - ;-(
Location - ;-s
Weather - very wet

Sunday 10 June 2012

At 11am the weather is a bit warmer today.
Because it is warmer we are letting our butterflies go.  I really like the close up photos because you can really see what they look like.  One of them landed on my hand and stayed there for ages.  I like butterflies.



Spotty on a leaf
Number of bugs - 10
Type of bugs - butterflies, ants, earwigs
Location - back garden
Weather - cloudy but warm

Saturday 9 June 2012

At 9am it is cold and windy.
I know I'm going to be busy today so I am writing something now.
Haven't been up the garden but found 2 spiders in the bathroom window.  I think 1 of them is dead.  What do you think?


Could be dead
Number of bugs - 2
Type of bugs - spiders
Location - bathroom
Weather - cold and windy

Friday 8 June 2012

Yesterday and today has been really wet and windy!
I haven't been up the garden for 3 days now.  That means I haven't seen many bugs.  My 5 butterflies are doing ok, but haven't taken anymore photos of them.  But my granddad sent me 2 photos of the blue tits that nested in his bird box.

Blue tit

Blue tit in the box
Number of bugs - 5
Type of bugs - my butterflies
Location - bedroom
Weather - very wet and windy

Tuesday 5 June 2012

At 10am it is cloudy, wet and cold.
I haven't been up the garden yet.  I now have 5 butterflies.  I have called the last one Twinkle.  If you didn't see my last post they are called Spotty, Tiger, Colourful, Zig-Zag and Twinkle.  We will let them go soon if the weather gets warmer.

5 Butterflies

Number of bugs - 5
Type of bugs - butterflies
Location - bedroom
Weather - wet and cold

Monday 4 June 2012

At 9.30 it is cold and a bit wet.
I have been up the garden and seen lots of snails and slugs.  Didn't take a photo of them.
I now have 4 butterflies. I have called them Spotty, Tiger, Colourful and Zig-Zag.  Still 1 more to come out.  Don't know if they are drinking yet.

Can you see them?

Number of bugs - 16
Type of bugs - snails, slugs, butterflies
Location - house and garden
Weather - cold and wet

Sunday 3 June 2012

It's cold and wet today.
Haven't been up the garden today.
At lunch time our first butterfly appeared.  I have called him Spotty.
At tea time our 2nd butterfly appeared.  I have called him Tiger.
Mummy is giving them sugar water.


Spotty (right) and Tiger
Number of bugs - 4
Types of bugs - moth, spider, butterflies
Location - bedroom
Weather - cold and wet

Saturday 2 June 2012

At 11am it is cloudy and cool.
Found a very big Daddy long legs on the window. I don't like them so daddy took the photo.
Not many bugs up the garden today.  Is it because it is cold?
What do you think of the Daddy long legs?

Daddy Long Legs - Taken outside
 Number of bugs - 11
Type of bugs - daddy long legs, woodlice, flies, bee
Location - back garden
Weather - cloudy and cool

Daddy Long Legs - Taken inside

Friday 1 June 2012

It was cool with a bit of rain today.
Found a moth in the living today. It was high up so daddy had to take the photo. I think it looks good. No change with the caterpillars.

A moth

Number of bugs - 6
Type of bugs - flies, spider, moth
Location - living room
Weather - a little rainy