Wednesday 25 July 2012

Phew! It's another hot day!

Just got back from Warminster Park.  We went there to feed the ducks.   I went on my scooter around the lake.  We saw some ducks with their chicks and some Canadian geese.  We fed them some bread.  I don't think they were that hungry.  We also played in the park.
Take a look at my photos.

Number of bugs - lost count
Type of bugs - flies, bees, woodlice, beetles
Location - Warminster Park
Weather - very hot and sunny 
Canadian Goose

Sunday 22 July 2012

It has been very sunny and hot today - yippee!

I was able to explore the garden today.  I found lots of bugs!  I found an earwig on the patio.  Daddy took a photo of it while it was on my hand.  I also saw lots of snails and woodlice.  I didn't take any photos of them because I have got lots of photos of them already.  As a joke, mummy took a photo of me wearing my bug-mask!

Number of bugs - 48
Type of bugs - flies, bees, snails, earwigs, woodlice, spiders
Location - back garden
Weather - very sunny and hot 

Sunday 8 July 2012

It just keeps raining!

Our garden is very wet so I haven't been able to go out much.  The bugs I keep seeing are slugs and snails.  I'm getting bored with them.  I did find a very large moth in the utility room so I took a photo of it.  The photo looks dark but the moth did look like it had orange spots on it.

Number of bugs - 9
Type of bugs - snails, slugs, moth
Location - garden and utility room
Weather - cloudy and damp

Wednesday 4 July 2012

Sorry, weather has been bad so I haven't been able to find bugs in the garden.

Weather today has been a little better with some sun in the afternoon.  I went up the garden at 7pm and saw a few bees.  When I woke up this morning I found a snail on the window.

Our sports day has been cancelled 3 times so far and daddy says that the weather is going to be a little better tomorrow but raining on Friday.  I hate staying in!

A Bee

A Snail
Number of bugs - 12
Type of bugs - snails, slugs, bees
Location - back garden
Weather - some showers, some sun