Sunday 2 September 2012

Today has been cloudy with a little bit of rain.

I went up the garden this afternoon and found the biggest caterpillar I have ever seen.  It didn't pick it up because it had a spike thing on its back.  I have never seen a caterpillar with a spike before.  I took lots of photos of it as it moved along the grass.  We looked on the internet to find out what type of caterpillar it is.  We think it is called a hornworm.  Have a look at this big caterpillar.

Size of Caterpillar

Number of bugs - 9
Types of bugs - caterpillar, ear-wigs
Location - back garden
Weather - cloudy and a little rainy 


Monday 27 August 2012

Sorry that I haven't posted anything for a few weeks, but I've been so busy!

Weather is wet this morning, so I haven't been up the garden.  But yesterday was much better here, hot and sunny.  I found a butterfly on my windowsill.  I looked on the internet to find out what type of butterfly it is.  I think it is a tortoiseshell butterfly.  It was sat on the windowsill for a very long time.  I think it was drying out its wings.  I took lots of photos of it.  Have a look!


Number of bugs - 16
Type of bugs - butterflies, earwigs, slugs
Location - back garden
Weather - Wet (today) hot and sunny (yesterday) 

Tuesday 7 August 2012

Today is cloudy and wet.
I have been very busy lately watching the Olympics, so I haven't been updating my blog, sorry.
Daddy went to put the recycling out today and found some snails in the box.  He shouted for me so I took a photo of them.  I think they were hiding from the rain.  I picked them up and put them in a small box.  I also found a snail on the white plastic.

Snails in the box

Number of bugs - 9
Type of bugs - slugs and snails
Location - recycling box
Weather - cloudy and wet 
Snail on the plastic

Wednesday 25 July 2012

Phew! It's another hot day!

Just got back from Warminster Park.  We went there to feed the ducks.   I went on my scooter around the lake.  We saw some ducks with their chicks and some Canadian geese.  We fed them some bread.  I don't think they were that hungry.  We also played in the park.
Take a look at my photos.

Number of bugs - lost count
Type of bugs - flies, bees, woodlice, beetles
Location - Warminster Park
Weather - very hot and sunny 
Canadian Goose

Sunday 22 July 2012

It has been very sunny and hot today - yippee!

I was able to explore the garden today.  I found lots of bugs!  I found an earwig on the patio.  Daddy took a photo of it while it was on my hand.  I also saw lots of snails and woodlice.  I didn't take any photos of them because I have got lots of photos of them already.  As a joke, mummy took a photo of me wearing my bug-mask!

Number of bugs - 48
Type of bugs - flies, bees, snails, earwigs, woodlice, spiders
Location - back garden
Weather - very sunny and hot 

Sunday 8 July 2012

It just keeps raining!

Our garden is very wet so I haven't been able to go out much.  The bugs I keep seeing are slugs and snails.  I'm getting bored with them.  I did find a very large moth in the utility room so I took a photo of it.  The photo looks dark but the moth did look like it had orange spots on it.

Number of bugs - 9
Type of bugs - snails, slugs, moth
Location - garden and utility room
Weather - cloudy and damp

Wednesday 4 July 2012

Sorry, weather has been bad so I haven't been able to find bugs in the garden.

Weather today has been a little better with some sun in the afternoon.  I went up the garden at 7pm and saw a few bees.  When I woke up this morning I found a snail on the window.

Our sports day has been cancelled 3 times so far and daddy says that the weather is going to be a little better tomorrow but raining on Friday.  I hate staying in!

A Bee

A Snail
Number of bugs - 12
Type of bugs - snails, slugs, bees
Location - back garden
Weather - some showers, some sun

Monday 25 June 2012

Sorry! Daddy and I have been very busy lately.  We haven't been able to post things.

I went to Air Day on Saturday and had a great time.  I didn't see any bugs, but saw lots of planes.  I really liked the Red Arrows and the Tornadoes were very fast and loud, but I wasn't scared.

Here are a few photos daddy and I took.

The Red Arrows

Loud Tornadoes
Number of Bugs - None
Type of Bugs - flying type
Location - Air Day
Weather - cloudy and cold
The Red Arrows

Saturday 16 June 2012

At 11am the weather was wet and windy.
Haven't been up the garden much because of the weather. Went and had a quick look this morning and found bugs that like the wet (slugs, snails and woodlice). I didn't need to pick things up because they were out in the wet.


Slugs and woodlice
Number of bugs - 31
Type of bugs - slugs, snails, woodlice
Location - back garden
Weather - wet and windy

Monday 11 June 2012

At 6pm the weather is wet.
I haven't seen any bugs today.  So here is a photo of me under Concorde.  I like Concorde.

Number of bugs - 0
Type of bugs - ;-(
Location - ;-s
Weather - very wet

Sunday 10 June 2012

At 11am the weather is a bit warmer today.
Because it is warmer we are letting our butterflies go.  I really like the close up photos because you can really see what they look like.  One of them landed on my hand and stayed there for ages.  I like butterflies.



Spotty on a leaf
Number of bugs - 10
Type of bugs - butterflies, ants, earwigs
Location - back garden
Weather - cloudy but warm

Saturday 9 June 2012

At 9am it is cold and windy.
I know I'm going to be busy today so I am writing something now.
Haven't been up the garden but found 2 spiders in the bathroom window.  I think 1 of them is dead.  What do you think?


Could be dead
Number of bugs - 2
Type of bugs - spiders
Location - bathroom
Weather - cold and windy

Friday 8 June 2012

Yesterday and today has been really wet and windy!
I haven't been up the garden for 3 days now.  That means I haven't seen many bugs.  My 5 butterflies are doing ok, but haven't taken anymore photos of them.  But my granddad sent me 2 photos of the blue tits that nested in his bird box.

Blue tit

Blue tit in the box
Number of bugs - 5
Type of bugs - my butterflies
Location - bedroom
Weather - very wet and windy

Tuesday 5 June 2012

At 10am it is cloudy, wet and cold.
I haven't been up the garden yet.  I now have 5 butterflies.  I have called the last one Twinkle.  If you didn't see my last post they are called Spotty, Tiger, Colourful, Zig-Zag and Twinkle.  We will let them go soon if the weather gets warmer.

5 Butterflies

Number of bugs - 5
Type of bugs - butterflies
Location - bedroom
Weather - wet and cold

Monday 4 June 2012

At 9.30 it is cold and a bit wet.
I have been up the garden and seen lots of snails and slugs.  Didn't take a photo of them.
I now have 4 butterflies. I have called them Spotty, Tiger, Colourful and Zig-Zag.  Still 1 more to come out.  Don't know if they are drinking yet.

Can you see them?

Number of bugs - 16
Type of bugs - snails, slugs, butterflies
Location - house and garden
Weather - cold and wet

Sunday 3 June 2012

It's cold and wet today.
Haven't been up the garden today.
At lunch time our first butterfly appeared.  I have called him Spotty.
At tea time our 2nd butterfly appeared.  I have called him Tiger.
Mummy is giving them sugar water.


Spotty (right) and Tiger
Number of bugs - 4
Types of bugs - moth, spider, butterflies
Location - bedroom
Weather - cold and wet

Saturday 2 June 2012

At 11am it is cloudy and cool.
Found a very big Daddy long legs on the window. I don't like them so daddy took the photo.
Not many bugs up the garden today.  Is it because it is cold?
What do you think of the Daddy long legs?

Daddy Long Legs - Taken outside
 Number of bugs - 11
Type of bugs - daddy long legs, woodlice, flies, bee
Location - back garden
Weather - cloudy and cool

Daddy Long Legs - Taken inside

Friday 1 June 2012

It was cool with a bit of rain today.
Found a moth in the living today. It was high up so daddy had to take the photo. I think it looks good. No change with the caterpillars.

A moth

Number of bugs - 6
Type of bugs - flies, spider, moth
Location - living room
Weather - a little rainy

Thursday 31 May 2012

Not as hot today. 
We have been busy so I haven't been up the garden, but daddy gave me a present when he got home. It is a net with 5 caterpillar chrysalis inside.  We will take photos of them over the next week  to see how they change.

Number of bugs seen - 1
Type of bugs - spider
Location - bedroom
Weather - warm and cloudy
It has been a hot day.
I haven't been up the garden much today because I went swimming after school.
Woke up and found a spider in the living room. It was high up so daddy had to take the photo. It was dark and the flash went off. Daddy jumped because he thought the spider was going to land on him. The flash has made the photo look scary!

Sorry, we tried to post this yesterday but the photo would not load.

Number of bugs seen - 1
Type of bugs - spider
Location - Living room
Weather - very hot

Tuesday 29 May 2012

At 5pm is very hot in the garden.
I have seen lots of bugs today.  Daddy lifted up a big stone and we found lots of ants.  We took a photo of it.  I hope it doesn't make you scratch!
Then I found another snail on our wall.  I don't think it is as colourful as the other one.  I took a photo of it anyway.  I like it.

Number of bugs - lost count (sorry)
Types of bugs - flies, snails, woodlice, ants
Location - back garden
Weather - very hot and sunny


Monday 28 May 2012

Wow! Another hot day.

At 6pm daddy and I took the camera out into our back garden.  There were lots of flies flying around, but we didn't want to take a photo of them.  Then we heard a bee near the flowers, so we took a photo of it.
We tried to take a photo of some ants, but they kept running away (now we can't stop scratching).
After a bit we find a strange bug.  We took a photo of it and searched the internet to find out what it is.  We believe it is called a shieldbug.  What do you think it is?

Number of bugs - lost count after 24
Type of bugs - flies, bees, ants, woodlice, shieldbug
Location - back garden
Weather - very hot and sunny

A shieldbug
A Bee

Sunday 27 May 2012

It's another hot day!!!
It's 9:30 am and day 2 of my garden bug hunt... I scared my mummy by taking a photo of a spider in its web.
I found the snail on our wall. I liked the shell because it is colourful. What colours can you see?

Number of bugs seen - 9 
Type of bugs - flies, a snail, a spider
Location - back garden
Weather - very hot, with a nice breeze.

A Spider
A snail

Saturday 26 May 2012

Saturday 26th May (3pm)
Small Slug

Today the weather is really hot!  Daddy and I took the camera into our garden to take photos of the bugs we might find.

We first found a small slug.  We zoomed in so you can see it better.  You can also see its slimy trail.  Not sure how long it will last in the sun shine.

We also found a number of woodlice, but they kept running away.  It took us ages to take this photo, he was a fast runner.

Number of bugs seen - 6
Type of bugs - woodlice, slugs, spiders
Location - back garden
Weather - very hot, with a nice breeze.